In this church we honour God and we honour one another. We are a family that chooses to see the best in one another. We’ve deliberately decided to celebrate who we are instead of complaining about who we’re not. We honour by protecting one another (we have each other’s backs), by trusting one another and by never giving up on one another. We believe that honour is the atmosphere of heaven – and so it should be the atmosphere of our hearts and of this church.
We’re asking Jesus to break our hearts with the things that break His heart. God’s heart is drawn towards the brokenness in our lives and in our city. We are a church that moves towards and not away from the deepest challenges of our community. In this family, we will spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry. |
Around here, what you see is what you get. What’s on the box is what’s inside the box. We allow one another to see the worst of us and we allow one other to see the best of us. In this family you are free to be who God made you to be. This is not a church where you are loved and not known, or worse, known and not loved, but a church where you can be fully known and fully loved. |
We have a simple faith in a very big God. We have great confidence in His promises and presence and are not timid or fearful as we share the gospel, seek the supernatural work of His spirit and stand against injustice. |
INNOVATIONWe are called to fulfill the biblical mandate for the church in the context of this generation and in this city. We have permission to re-imagine Nairobi with God’s will being done in Nairobi as it is in heaven. We will repeatedly tap into the creativity of God, innovating in the ways we bring the life of the gospel to this generation of Nairobians. We will purposefully remove lifeless, religious, cultural or traditional barriers to people encountering God. |